

寻儿彭文乐 的 40余名失踪儿童家长北京上访历险记(组图 视频)(亲身经历 真实记录)


(组图 视频)(亲身经历 真实记录)























求助央视 遭到拒绝


好心的大学生义务当了我们的向导,北京我们不熟悉,40位苦命的家长在大学生的带领下展转好运来到了中央电视台,在来的路上,我们觉察到了有3个人在交替的跟踪我们。我估计是国安局的。防止我们有什么过激的行为。在央室的门口。有一个很小的窗口,上面写着一个小小的几个字。"焦点访谈 今日说法 群众接待处"大概是下午4点半种,我们来反映情况,但是窗门紧闭,门口出来了一个武警,问我们是做什么的,可能看到我们40人,他也很紧张,我们和他说明了我们的来意。讲述了我们都是全国各地丢失孩子的家长。他说要向领导汇报,过了一会,央视大楼里出来了一个人,不知道是不是领导。我详细的给他讲述了我们寻子的事情。他说他也做不了主,这个事情有点大,需要国家广电批准才可以做的,这个节目要是做会影响国家现在"和谐社会"的口号,我听明白了意思,就是婉言谢绝了我们的请求。家长们的情绪当时就失控了。大家纷纷拿出来孩子的大幅寻子海报,把央视大门堵住了。还有人说,央视只报好的,不报社会阴暗面,这样社会怎么会进步,这样的社会怎么能够和谐,怎么多的儿童被拐,这么严重的社会现象,央视不报,那还报什么呀。局面混乱了,央视的保安拨打了110报警。不到2分种就来了3辆警车。为了方便我们下面要做的事情,不想和警察正面发生冲突,警察对我们经过问讯,最后大学生说叫我们都先回去,他来和警察交涉。于是我们大家就回到了旅馆。最后他们把大学生带走了。记过电话我和大学生取得了联系。他们问了些我们的情况,要求他们学校的领导来把他接回去。到晚上10点多才把他放出来。对于大学生为哦了我们的事情被关到现在。所有的家长都很感激他。同时对公安的行为更加的气愤。公安不帮助我们。一个正义的大学生为了帮我们受到了这样的待遇。我们明显的感觉多北京也是个是非之地。






迫于无奈 接受境外媒体采访































路透北京9月26日电(记者Chris Buckley)---据当地媒体报导,中国近日又新增近1万例儿童因食用污染婴幼儿奶粉而罹患肾结石的病例。


亨氏公司(HNZ.N: 行情)宣布在香港召回一批婴儿食品,因其中含有三聚氰胺。亨氏称只有这一种产品受到污染。这些食品在中国生产,并只在中国销售。








数据显示没有新的患儿死亡。世界卫生组织驻华代表韩卓升(Hans Troedsson)在北京的新闻发布会上表示:"我们认为死亡率不会大幅上升。因为患儿通常不是死于肾结石本身,而是其并发症。……中国采取的治疗方式证明是有效的。"

马尔代夫成为最新一个将中国乳制品撤柜的国家。该国食品和药品管理局主管Moosa Anwar称,政府正通过电视和电台对民众发出警告。





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根 据恒天然的说法,三鹿毒奶事件更加复杂了。除了三鹿检验无力,政府监管无能之外,警方对“恶意加入化工成分”的反应也相当迟缓——恒天然六周之前与中国官 方的沟通中,想必是通报了这个警讯,官方对这种可能的重大刑事案件为何没有任何反应?是为了给当时奥运会创造“良好的气氛”而有意隐瞒吗?现在只拿几个“ 不法奶农”说事,忽略重点,是否继续放大危害呢?

新 西 蘭 集 團 指 問 題 奶 粉 是 第 三 者 惡 意 加 入 化 工 成 份
2008-09-15 HKT 16:25

甘 肅 再 有 一 名 嬰 兒 懷 疑 飲 用 「 三 鹿 牌 」 奶 粉 , 患 上 腎 結 石 死 亡 , 令 有 關 死 亡 人 數 增 加 至 兩 人 。

河 北 當 局 拘 捕 多 一 對 收 購 牛 奶 供 應 三 鹿 集 團 的 兄 弟 , 涉 嫌 在 牛 奶 中 加 入 三 聚 氰 胺 化 工 原 料 , 企 圖 以 此 通 過 蛋 白 質 檢 測 。 當 局 又 會 將 萬 餘 噸 問 題 奶 粉 銷 毀 。

擁 有 三 鹿 百 分 之 43 股 權 的 新 西 蘭 恆 天 然 集 團 則 說 , 問 題 奶 粉 是 遭 第 三 者 惡 意 加 入 化 工 成 份 , 又 說 沒 權 代 三 鹿 公 布 消 息 。

新 西 蘭 總 理 克 拉 克 不 滿 內 地 地 方 官 員 未 有 回 應 恆 天 然 的 要 求 , 即 時 回 收 問 題 奶 粉 。









安玛丽·埃文斯(Annemarie Evans200897日《南华早报》(香港)





刚开始是一种热情的追寻带着她走遍河南和安徽的上百个贫困的小山村,那里的人把自己的血卖给那些肆无忌惮的政府血库。血浆是被取走,但是为了能使那些农民 能更经常的捐献血液,把不同人的血球混在一起回输,导致了在许多的山村的中年人爆发了一场传染病,夺去了很多人的生命。




问她怎么看待奥运会,以及奥运会是否将有助于中国大陆争取的人权,她回答:“在体育比赛中变得强大并不意味着这个国家就是强大的。国际社会不了解中国。他 们没有见过真正的情景。他们没有见过那些被监禁的人。例如胡佳,就是一个被监禁的艾滋活动者。他是一个非常好的人,无私地想改进中国。”































Setting the record straight

Veteran Aids activist Gao Yaojie sets out in her autobiography to dispel false rumours about her family

Annemarie Evans

Updated on Sep 07, 2008

Have another banana," says the diminutive doctor as she pushes a bunch across the table. "You must stay fit and healthy." Veteran mainland Aids activist Gao Yaojie , 81, is in Hong Kong for a week to publicise her autobiography - The Soul of Gao Yaojie. In recent years, journalists had badgered her to write her autobiography. "I was too busy. I wasn't interested. I had too much to do," she says.

And then she began to receive attacks on her weblog "about my family's integrity".

"They said I came from a poor family, that as a child I had been sold as a prostitute," she says through an interpreter. "They were attacking my ancestors, and I couldn't let them do that. I had to set the record straight. I was forced to write this book."

Dr Gao is arguably the mainland's most famous Aids activist. Twelve years ago she was called into a hospital in Henan province when other physicians grew concerned about a patient's mystery condition. The 40-year-old woman died a few days later, by which time Dr Gao had tracked her ailment to an earlier blood transfusion.

It was the start of a passionate quest that has taken her all over Henan and Anhui to hundreds of impoverished villagers who had sold their blood to unscrupulous buyers for government blood banks. The plasma was taken, but to enable the farmers to donate blood more regularly, the shared blood pool was pumped back into them, leading to an epidemic that has robbed many villages of its middle generation.

While some Henan provincial officials hate her for attracting attention to the Aids issue and, in their eyes, deterring possible investment, Dr Gao has been grudgingly recognised at a national level, as well as receiving international awards.

In March last year, Henan officials prevented her from leaving to pick up an award in the US. It became a national scandal as New York Senator Hillary Clinton called Wu Yi , vice-premier at the time, to secure Dr Gao's release from house arrest and her exit to the US.

Sitting in the offices of the Chi Heng Foundation, the Hong Kong-based charity that assists Aids orphans and was set up by her protege, investment banker Chung To, Dr Gao's face periodically creases up with laughter; at other times, she slams her hand on a pile of books or on the table to emphasise her rage at the injustice of those living in poverty or abandoned with Aids.

Asked what she thinks about the Olympics and whether they will help rights on the mainland, she answers: "Being strong in sports does not mean that the country is strong. The international community does not understand China. They haven't seen the real picture. They don't see that people are imprisoned. Hu Jia, for example, is an Aids activist who has been imprisoned. He is a very nice person who selflessly wants to improve China."

Dr Gao was offered the opportunity to go to the US for three months during the Olympics. "Other people were imprisoned, including a former patient of mine," she says. "Three members out of four of her family are HIV-positive because of a blood transfusion she received when giving birth. Her one daughter has died, the other is very ill. So she went to Beijing to petition the government and was sent to a labour camp.

"An organisation in the US said they would pay for me to go and stay for three months. But I did not want to go. I have nothing against the communists, I have no power, I am a doctor working for charity and I have not committed a crime, why should I leave my country?"

The book, she says, is one of her last hurrahs. She is tired, complains that she cannot hear as well as she used to, that her false teeth give her pain, and her stomach is permanently ailing. She lifts her blouse to show the long scar where half her stomach was removed after she was badly beaten during the Cultural Revolution.

While Dr Gao is best known for her work with Aids farmers and orphans in central China, The Soul of Gao Yaojie takes the reader through the decades from her birth in November 1927 in Shandong province .

Born into what she classes as a prestigious family, Dr Gao was a daughter of her father's fourth wife. "My father was married at 15. His first wife died at just 17 in childbirth. His second wife died at 19. His third wife was a rich lady. Her family had 600 acres of land. She died at 33, again in childbirth for her third child. My mother was my father's fourth wife. She had nine children, of whom seven survived."

Dr Gao loved the classics but studied medicine, she says, because she was an average student and that was a course she could get into. In 1954, she married a fellow doctor, Guo Mingjiu. He died two years ago from throat cancer.

While the past 12 years have been hard on Dr Gao - her children do not visit her at home as it is too difficult with the surveillance cameras and harassment - it is not the first time she has faced off against authority.

During the Cultural Revolution she was imprisoned for 13 months of a three-year sentence for assisting a woman with an abortion. Asked what she did in the labour camp, she answers simply: "Breaking rocks." She tried to commit suicide three times.

Her son, Guo Zhuo, then 14, was also jailed for three years during the early 1970s amid allegations that he had written anti-revolutionary propaganda. This was later withdrawn and Dr Gao remains convinced that he was jailed to torture her.

At one point, the guards raided her home and took her belongings. They were returned to her 10 years later and make for a pitiable list - a pair of underpants was among them.

"The list shows how poor I was. There was a plastic bowl, a blanket, some other kitchen items - I list them in the book - a cupboard with a broken mirror. And then 10 years later, I got it all back. I do not blame anyone; it was a very chaotic time."

Dr Gao has two years left on her visa, but she is concerned that this might be her last trip to Hong Kong. She lays out three scenarios for what will happen with both local and national security when she returns shortly to Henan.

"The first one is that there will be surveillance, but I just won't know about it," she says. "The second is that they will post a police officer outside my front door and make it very difficult for me to leave. And the third is that they will imprison me. But I'm ready for that. I have medicine on me at all times. If they do that to me, I'll commit suicide."

Dr Gao seems to be on the job constantly. She stares at my shoulder and concerns herself that the blemishes are a skin disease. I reassure her that they are merely freckles.

"I have never wanted to be a hero, but who sent the first Aids patients to me? And since then, I have walked a road that has no return," she writes in conclusion. "Maybe this is fate. Who asked me to be a doctor? Who makes me feel suffering when I witness it? Who lets me feel rage when I see darkness and evil?"

Dr Gao's book is available in Hong Kong in Chinese but she is very keen to see it translated into English.

It is difficult to pin her down on what she does other than work.

Music? She waves her hand dismissively. Reading? "I've read the classics, but usually I'm reading books about medicine." But she does write poetry. "I have written more than 100 poems," she says, some of which appear in her autobiography.

The interpreter explains: "They are very traditional Chinese poems, very structured, with very strict rhythms. But her topics are [based on the fact] that she feels that China is full of fakes, or the people who puff themselves up at the expense of others." She begins to read:

Some people say how great they are,

but they are like blowing chicken

feathers to the sky,

blowing up a garlic skin like a fairy,

blow it high up to the top of the cloud,

blow it big like Tai Shan [a mountain].

Blow the HIV and spread it out.

Brag about that I'm the model while you

cheat them.

Brag about my political achievements,

while I am bulls***ing, bulls***ing,


While her health might be fading a little, Gao Yaojie's soul burns on.









安玛丽·埃文斯(Annemarie Evans200897日《南华早报》(香港)





刚开始是一种热情的追寻带着她走遍河南和安徽的上百个贫困的小山村,那里的人把自己的血卖给那些肆无忌惮的政府血库。血浆是被取走,但是为了能使那些农民 能更经常的捐献血液,把不同人的血球混在一起回输,导致了在许多的山村的中年人爆发了一场传染病,夺去了很多人的生命。




问她怎么看待奥运会,以及奥运会是否将有助于中国大陆争取的人权,她回答:“在体育比赛中变得强大并不意味着这个国家就是强大的。国际社会不了解中国。他 们没有见过真正的情景。他们没有见过那些被监禁的人。例如胡佳,就是一个被监禁的艾滋活动者。他是一个非常好的人,无私地想改进中国。”































Setting the record straight

Veteran Aids activist Gao Yaojie sets out in her autobiography to dispel false rumours about her family

Annemarie Evans

Updated on Sep 07, 2008

Have another banana," says the diminutive doctor as she pushes a bunch across the table. "You must stay fit and healthy." Veteran mainland Aids activist Gao Yaojie , 81, is in Hong Kong for a week to publicise her autobiography - The Soul of Gao Yaojie. In recent years, journalists had badgered her to write her autobiography. "I was too busy. I wasn't interested. I had too much to do," she says.

And then she began to receive attacks on her weblog "about my family's integrity".

"They said I came from a poor family, that as a child I had been sold as a prostitute," she says through an interpreter. "They were attacking my ancestors, and I couldn't let them do that. I had to set the record straight. I was forced to write this book."

Dr Gao is arguably the mainland's most famous Aids activist. Twelve years ago she was called into a hospital in Henan province when other physicians grew concerned about a patient's mystery condition. The 40-year-old woman died a few days later, by which time Dr Gao had tracked her ailment to an earlier blood transfusion.

It was the start of a passionate quest that has taken her all over Henan and Anhui to hundreds of impoverished villagers who had sold their blood to unscrupulous buyers for government blood banks. The plasma was taken, but to enable the farmers to donate blood more regularly, the shared blood pool was pumped back into them, leading to an epidemic that has robbed many villages of its middle generation.

While some Henan provincial officials hate her for attracting attention to the Aids issue and, in their eyes, deterring possible investment, Dr Gao has been grudgingly recognised at a national level, as well as receiving international awards.

In March last year, Henan officials prevented her from leaving to pick up an award in the US. It became a national scandal as New York Senator Hillary Clinton called Wu Yi , vice-premier at the time, to secure Dr Gao's release from house arrest and her exit to the US.

Sitting in the offices of the Chi Heng Foundation, the Hong Kong-based charity that assists Aids orphans and was set up by her protege, investment banker Chung To, Dr Gao's face periodically creases up with laughter; at other times, she slams her hand on a pile of books or on the table to emphasise her rage at the injustice of those living in poverty or abandoned with Aids.

Asked what she thinks about the Olympics and whether they will help rights on the mainland, she answers: "Being strong in sports does not mean that the country is strong. The international community does not understand China. They haven't seen the real picture. They don't see that people are imprisoned. Hu Jia, for example, is an Aids activist who has been imprisoned. He is a very nice person who selflessly wants to improve China."

Dr Gao was offered the opportunity to go to the US for three months during the Olympics. "Other people were imprisoned, including a former patient of mine," she says. "Three members out of four of her family are HIV-positive because of a blood transfusion she received when giving birth. Her one daughter has died, the other is very ill. So she went to Beijing to petition the government and was sent to a labour camp.

"An organisation in the US said they would pay for me to go and stay for three months. But I did not want to go. I have nothing against the communists, I have no power, I am a doctor working for charity and I have not committed a crime, why should I leave my country?"

The book, she says, is one of her last hurrahs. She is tired, complains that she cannot hear as well as she used to, that her false teeth give her pain, and her stomach is permanently ailing. She lifts her blouse to show the long scar where half her stomach was removed after she was badly beaten during the Cultural Revolution.

While Dr Gao is best known for her work with Aids farmers and orphans in central China, The Soul of Gao Yaojie takes the reader through the decades from her birth in November 1927 in Shandong province .

Born into what she classes as a prestigious family, Dr Gao was a daughter of her father's fourth wife. "My father was married at 15. His first wife died at just 17 in childbirth. His second wife died at 19. His third wife was a rich lady. Her family had 600 acres of land. She died at 33, again in childbirth for her third child. My mother was my father's fourth wife. She had nine children, of whom seven survived."

Dr Gao loved the classics but studied medicine, she says, because she was an average student and that was a course she could get into. In 1954, she married a fellow doctor, Guo Mingjiu. He died two years ago from throat cancer.

While the past 12 years have been hard on Dr Gao - her children do not visit her at home as it is too difficult with the surveillance cameras and harassment - it is not the first time she has faced off against authority.

During the Cultural Revolution she was imprisoned for 13 months of a three-year sentence for assisting a woman with an abortion. Asked what she did in the labour camp, she answers simply: "Breaking rocks." She tried to commit suicide three times.

Her son, Guo Zhuo, then 14, was also jailed for three years during the early 1970s amid allegations that he had written anti-revolutionary propaganda. This was later withdrawn and Dr Gao remains convinced that he was jailed to torture her.

At one point, the guards raided her home and took her belongings. They were returned to her 10 years later and make for a pitiable list - a pair of underpants was among them.

"The list shows how poor I was. There was a plastic bowl, a blanket, some other kitchen items - I list them in the book - a cupboard with a broken mirror. And then 10 years later, I got it all back. I do not blame anyone; it was a very chaotic time."

Dr Gao has two years left on her visa, but she is concerned that this might be her last trip to Hong Kong. She lays out three scenarios for what will happen with both local and national security when she returns shortly to Henan.

"The first one is that there will be surveillance, but I just won't know about it," she says. "The second is that they will post a police officer outside my front door and make it very difficult for me to leave. And the third is that they will imprison me. But I'm ready for that. I have medicine on me at all times. If they do that to me, I'll commit suicide."

Dr Gao seems to be on the job constantly. She stares at my shoulder and concerns herself that the blemishes are a skin disease. I reassure her that they are merely freckles.

"I have never wanted to be a hero, but who sent the first Aids patients to me? And since then, I have walked a road that has no return," she writes in conclusion. "Maybe this is fate. Who asked me to be a doctor? Who makes me feel suffering when I witness it? Who lets me feel rage when I see darkness and evil?"

Dr Gao's book is available in Hong Kong in Chinese but she is very keen to see it translated into English.

It is difficult to pin her down on what she does other than work.

Music? She waves her hand dismissively. Reading? "I've read the classics, but usually I'm reading books about medicine." But she does write poetry. "I have written more than 100 poems," she says, some of which appear in her autobiography.

The interpreter explains: "They are very traditional Chinese poems, very structured, with very strict rhythms. But her topics are [based on the fact] that she feels that China is full of fakes, or the people who puff themselves up at the expense of others." She begins to read:

Some people say how great they are,

but they are like blowing chicken

feathers to the sky,

blowing up a garlic skin like a fairy,

blow it high up to the top of the cloud,

blow it big like Tai Shan [a mountain].

Blow the HIV and spread it out.

Brag about that I'm the model while you

cheat them.

Brag about my political achievements,

while I am bulls***ing, bulls***ing,


While her health might be fading a little, Gao Yaojie's soul burns on.





奶粉产品导致儿童肾结石的三鹿集团外资合作伙伴新西兰恒天然乳品公司(The Fonterra farmers' co-operative)星期日(14日)发表声明说,他们在8月2日发现奶粉污染问题后,就一直要求董事会召回产品。






中国卫生部部长高强周六说, 导致数以百计的婴儿生病的三鹿奶粉中的化学物质是人为加入的。 并称三鹿"负有主要责任"。

中国官方报道说,共有432名婴儿因使用三鹿奶粉出现泌尿系统结石送往医院救治。1例婴儿死亡病例与此有关。 三聚氰胺是有机化工中间产品,主要作为粘合剂用于装饰板的生产。





Fonterra knew of contaminated milk in August

New Zealand dairy giant Fonterra knew in August that a Chinese company it owns almost half of was selling contaminated baby milk.

One child has died, and hundreds of others are sick after drinking the baby formula made by the Sanlu company, and there has been a huge backlash online.

The first baby to fall sick was reported to Sanlu back in March.

China's health ministry says the company traced the problem to a banned chemical, melamine, but it was weeks before it ordered a recall, and only told the ministry last Monday.

It is an embarrassment for New Zealand company Fonterra, which owns 43 percent of the company and has three directors on the board of seven, including vice-chairman Bob Major.

Fonterra declined to appear on camera but released a statement saying:

"From the day that we were advised of the product contamination issue in August, Fonterra called for a full public recall of all affected product and we have continued to push for this all along. Consumer safety has always been our number one priority."

A business ethics expert says Fonterra needs to be sure that Sanlu is following safety guidelines.

"It's going to be important to ascertain just what did go on, whether the quality processes that are expected of Fonterra, given their great reputation globally, have been in place on the ground in that factory in China," says Dr Rodger Spiller.

"And if not, why not?"

Melamine is used to make plastic and fertilisers, but has been mixed in animal feed to make protein levels appear higher than they really are. Investigators are looking into whether dairy farmers added the chemical before selling their milk to Sanlu.

"At the same time the public security department has started their investigation on illegal activities of criminals," says Yang Chongyong, deputy governor of Hebei province. "We will severely punish the criminals when the crimes are confirmed by the public security departments. In fact we have detained 19 suspects and summoned 78 people."

China is one of Fonterra's largest off-shore markets. In the past financial year it generated more than $700 million. 50 percent of that business came from its stake in Sanlu.

At the last count 432 babies were ill with kidney stones after drinking the formula. Some of it was exported to Taiwan, and the rest was sold in China. It is not a brand that is available here.





奶粉产品导致儿童肾结石的三鹿集团外资合作伙伴新西兰恒天然乳品公司(The Fonterra farmers' co-operative)星期日(14日)发表声明说,他们在8月2日发现奶粉污染问题后,就一直要求董事会召回产品。






中国卫生部部长高强周六说, 导致数以百计的婴儿生病的三鹿奶粉中的化学物质是人为加入的。 并称三鹿"负有主要责任"。

中国官方报道说,共有432名婴儿因使用三鹿奶粉出现泌尿系统结石送往医院救治。1例婴儿死亡病例与此有关。 三聚氰胺是有机化工中间产品,主要作为粘合剂用于装饰板的生产。





Fonterra knew of contaminated milk in August

New Zealand dairy giant Fonterra knew in August that a Chinese company it owns almost half of was selling contaminated baby milk.

One child has died, and hundreds of others are sick after drinking the baby formula made by the Sanlu company, and there has been a huge backlash online.

The first baby to fall sick was reported to Sanlu back in March.

China's health ministry says the company traced the problem to a banned chemical, melamine, but it was weeks before it ordered a recall, and only told the ministry last Monday.

It is an embarrassment for New Zealand company Fonterra, which owns 43 percent of the company and has three directors on the board of seven, including vice-chairman Bob Major.

Fonterra declined to appear on camera but released a statement saying:

"From the day that we were advised of the product contamination issue in August, Fonterra called for a full public recall of all affected product and we have continued to push for this all along. Consumer safety has always been our number one priority."

A business ethics expert says Fonterra needs to be sure that Sanlu is following safety guidelines.

"It's going to be important to ascertain just what did go on, whether the quality processes that are expected of Fonterra, given their great reputation globally, have been in place on the ground in that factory in China," says Dr Rodger Spiller.

"And if not, why not?"

Melamine is used to make plastic and fertilisers, but has been mixed in animal feed to make protein levels appear higher than they really are. Investigators are looking into whether dairy farmers added the chemical before selling their milk to Sanlu.

"At the same time the public security department has started their investigation on illegal activities of criminals," says Yang Chongyong, deputy governor of Hebei province. "We will severely punish the criminals when the crimes are confirmed by the public security departments. In fact we have detained 19 suspects and summoned 78 people."

China is one of Fonterra's largest off-shore markets. In the past financial year it generated more than $700 million. 50 percent of that business came from its stake in Sanlu.

At the last count 432 babies were ill with kidney stones after drinking the formula. Some of it was exported to Taiwan, and the rest was sold in China. It is not a brand that is available here.











事实上,"宠物毒粮"事件发生后不久的2007年5月7日,FDA与美国农业部(USDA)联合发表新闻称,经过美联邦FDA、USDA、美疾病预防中 心(CDC)、美国土安全部海关与边境保护局(CBP)和美环保署(EPA)五机构科学家联合评估分析断定,喂食了含三聚氰胺宠物食品残食的生猪与鸡,屠 宰后食用对人体的健康风险极低。











史 军 发表

为此翻了一下三聚氰胺的家底——三聚氰胺,现年174岁(最早由李比希于1834年首次合成),无色无味的白面小 生,化工原料家族重要成员,氮元素含量颇高(高达60%)。水性不好(微溶于水)。他和甲醛结合,产生的“爱情结晶”——三聚氰胺-甲醛树脂,在我们生活 的多个方面都大展身手。我们家中的橱柜面板,电视机等家用电器上的涂层都闪现他们的身影,不仅如此,我们生活中越来越多的那些,色彩亮丽,结实耐摔的,无 毒又耐热的密胺塑料盘子,碟子,碗,也是三聚氰胺的子孙。这么说来,三聚氰胺实乃我们生活现代化的大功臣啊。但是,如果不和甲醛联合,三聚氰胺对人们就不 那么友好了,在动物饲喂实验中已经证实,三聚氰胺可以引发泌尿系统结石和肾衰竭。
那这个“危险的功臣”怎么会跑到奶粉里去呢?这还要从目前监测食品和饲料中蛋白质含量的方法说起,目前常用的方法是凯氏定氮法(Kjeldahl method), 这种方法,主要是通过测定被测样品中的氮含量,来间接反映蛋白质的含量(因为要直接得到蛋白质含量的数据费时费力还不好精确)。所以这种方法的眼神不是很 好,因为他只能认出氮元素,而认不出蛋白质,更要命的还会把样品中其他含氮化合物也当成蛋白质。这样一来,三聚氰胺这种高氮——”高纯度伪蛋白”就可以蒙 混过关进入饲料奶粉来提高蛋白含量了。有了三聚氰胺的加盟,低蛋白的奶粉、饲料会变成高蛋白的优质商品了。这个杀手就这样隐藏在高蛋白食品中了。虽然商家 都声称绝无此意,但是这种化工原料神秘地进入奶粉确实有点让人匪夷所思。并且,2007年宠物中毒事件,就是因为小麦蛋白粉大米蛋白粉,其中含有三聚氰胺——商家也正是借此来“提高”产品质量。



